REJOIGNEZ L'ÉVÉNEMENT Pourquoi participer à l'exposition
Conférenciers Exceptionnels
Des intervenants de qualité vous dévoileront les clés pour adapter votre entreprise aux nouvelles tendances et enjeux du secteur.
Comment transformer votre entreprise face à l’évolution technologique, les habitudes des consommateurs et la dynamique de l’industrie.
EARLY BIRD BILLET Découvrez et connectez-vous avec d'autres.
Écoutez les Intervenants de l'Événement
James Killer
Founder, Edilta

James Killer
Founder, Edilta
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Lucy Melisa
Founder, Edilta

Lucy Melisa
Founder, Edilta
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Melisa Rock
Lead Designer, Payol

Melisa Rock
Lead Designer, Payol
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Fredric Martin
Lead Designer, Payol

Fredric Martin
Lead Designer, Payol
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Agaton Ronald
Developer Expert

Agaton Ronald
Developer Expert
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Laura Bryant
Developer Expert

Laura Bryant
Developer Expert
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Devid Arone
Founder, Cards

Devid Arone
Founder, Cards
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Henri Robert
Founder, Cards

Henri Robert
Founder, Cards
World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
CONTACTEZ-NOUS Obtenez l'itinéraire vers la salle de l'événement
Brighton Waterfront Hotel, Brighton, London
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Tickets info
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Programme Details
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Snow Lake Hotel, Brighton, Australia
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
Tickets info
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Programme Details
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Brighton Waterfront Hotel, Brighton, London
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Tickets info
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Programme Details
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595